Breaking Through

Even More Perspectives on breaking through
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It’s Time to Step Away

It’s Time to Step Away

Things are not what they used to be.   Facebook was launched the year I graduated high school - around 20 years ago. (YIKES!)  I joined within a year or so.  Before that, it was Myspace. And 95 percent of the world's internet users now use social media. Like...

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I just can’t

I just can’t

“I just can’t…” Okay. What if we said, “Okay” when someone said, “I can’t.”   If we stopped trying to fix people… What if we stopped trying to “FIX” ourselves? Instead of trying to push them and us to do more, be more, give more, what if we just acknowledged the limitations.  What if we understood...

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Very few talk about it…

Very few talk about it…

Very few talk about it... the pressure of being everything to everyone… saving the world, doing the dishes, helping with math homework, sending emails, handling the finances, managing partnerships, revising websites and social posts, eating right, excercising, showering, cutting the grass, and all...

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