Very few talk about it… the pressure of being everything to everyone… saving the world, doing the dishes, helping with math homework, sending emails, handling the finances, managing partnerships, revising websites and social posts, eating right, excercising, showering, cutting the grass, and all the other things… Our To-Do list is never ending and yet we rarely talk about it. We don’t talk about the number of times you want to give up on all of the above and the number of times you don’t.
Burnout to Overwhelm
I remember doing an excercise on an 11×17 page of paper where I wrote down all of the things I had on my to-do list, and all the things I’d completed that week. I wrote in the smallest handwriting I could (probably a standard 10-12 font) and I filled BOTH sides. I took pictures that night, but for the life of me I can’t find them.
The point is, that page… that enormous amount of things to do – it never got done. 2 years later I’m adding to it, and getting things done that just get added back the next day. But I’m also alot better at managing the expectations around what that list looks like at any given moment.
What can we do?
Here are my top 6 things to think about when you’re trying to get out from the never ending to-do list.
1) Stop looking at all the things and start looking at the most important 3-5.
2) Lower your expectations… you are not superwoman – you do not have a makeup crew and a cleaning crew like the moms on the 90s sitcoms that we love so much – and some of us don’t have the support systems that our parents and grandparents had.
3) Keep your to-do list – in all it’s glory – but put it away.. Pick 5-10 projects you know are important and you can work on in the next 2-4 weeks… then pick 3-5 tasks you can work on today… and make sure that anything with a deadline or that is SUPER important (like life/death – bills paid – water leaks fixed) are in the top 3-5 ASAP. The rest doesn’t matter – it will be there when you pick your list up again.
So, essentially – keep a master list that you refer to sparringly but regularly – and a smaller daily / weekly list that you refer to often.
4) Find a support system. As a solo-preneur alot of what I do are things I do on my own – but my family helps with chores and making meals… I have a support system of other entrepreneurs who have expertise in different areas and can help me when I start to feel overwhelmed with different projects (Thank you,
5) Practice fun – Fun is something we lose when we become “responsible” adults… but practicing finding that inner child again… it will help you keep your priorities straight.
6) ABOVE ALL ELSE – check in with your physical body. Your body is your vehicle… if it needs movement, give it movement… if it needs healthy food, water, sleep – give it what it needs. Your car can’t run without oil, coolant, and gas… so why are you trying to force your only physical vehicle for your brain and heart to do what you can’t force your car to do? You should be a priority in your life.
Talk about it
I know that some of this sounds easier said than done. I’ve always felt that way, and sometimes (like days like today) I forget my own tips and tricks… I still sometimes get into states of overwhelm and frustration, but most of the time they’re short lived because I remember that 9 times out of 10 I have my head in the clouds when I need to be present in the moment and listening to the things my body and heart are telling me.
I hope this helps, reach out if you’re struggling okay? I’ll meet you where you are so that you can at least talk about it!
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