Monday marks two years that I’ve been out of the corporate space. I knew it would be a big adjustment period. So, I tried to be observant around the corporate de-conditioning that I worked through as it was happening. The truth is, I can honestly say that I’m still not fully adjusted.
At first, leaving corporate felt good
Within the first few weeks of the company I worked for giving me notice, I’d re-connected with people to say final goodbyes. They told me that it looked like I was glowing. They weren’t lying – there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
The first couple of weeks that I didn’t have to go to work, I tried to rest – in some ways it was easy, I didn’t have a “job” any more – and in other ways it was hard, I knew money wouldn’t last long.
Then, I realized I hadn’t actually left yet.
As I built my business over the first few months, I had high hopes. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, people were put in front of me that wanted to help me succeed, and it seemed like every step I took I was connected with someone who could help me make more informed and better choices.
As I reflected at the end of the first year, I realized I’d been going hard in my business and forgetting about myself. I’d given myself a ton of deadlines and then I just worked until I would make myself sick. Going into the next year I’d set a goal to #breathemore in 2024 to remind myself to take the time I needed, to rest, and to know that I wasn’t in the corporate space any more.

This Year
The first half of 2024 was spent still trying to cling to the corporate life, deadlines, working on things I didn’t want to do, trying to maintain the “balance” that needs to happen between work and life.
In the late summer of this year I felt like I had found a flow, but it wasn’t in anything to do with my business. I’d felt overwhelmed and burned out in my business. The left over “corporate” structure had been eating away at me and I just wanted nothing to do with that. On top of that, the never ending slugging around trying to keep up with social media so that I could just “try” to find people to talk to, none of it was making me money, and I wanted to be done.
It was about the mission
However, I was on a mission – the mission is about people, mental health, and getting away from the corporate feel… so, I knew I couldn’t give up… I knew that my business meant something. So I took a month or two away from the programs and the people and the to-do list. And focused on my health. In September my neurologist prescribed me a new medication.
As I released the need to be “productive” in the corporate way – I found a flow that worked with me. And as the migraines have subsided from every day to a few times a month, I see that I can get so much more done, but could also take the time to enjoy life. As I work to stop “hustling,” I have started asking myself why our society makes it mandatory that life is “hard.”
Do you want your life to be hard?
I know I don’t… When I made the conscious decision to operate my business, my life, and everything else without the word “hard,” I started remembering what it was like to do things with ease.
My business has become fun again and its taking on a new direction, one focused on ease for everyone involved.
As I approach my next year in business I am considering what I want to prioritize in the next year. And I’ve decided that connection will be a large part of what I do going forward. Connection is what sets businesses and leaders apart. We’re at our best when we are connected with the world around us in a healthy way.
What is life with out connection anyway?
I find that connecting with the world around me is where I feel most alive.
What do you feel most connected to in your life or business?
If you’re looking for connection please reach out. I have an amazing network of support on the Perspective Shifter’s Hub.