Are you doing enough?

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Mental Health | 0 comments

“I’m not doing enough.” And “There’s just a lot on my plate, I feel so overwhelmed” are common comments that I make each week. Even when I’m exhausted I’m asking myself, “Are you doing enough?”

I have been really invested into “fixing” myself by doing more, but doing less… saying yes, and saying no… finding energy, and resting.

My brain has been shutting down lately, and my body has been antsy. 

Do you ever feel this way?

The hard truth is this…  You aren’t perfect… you can’t do and be everything for everyone… and Being kind doesn’t mean you have to say yes to everything.  The key message that I want you to know right now is this: You are working hard enough. You are giving enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH.

There is an ongoing and ever evolving flow that is life.  We live in a society that wants us to be “on” as much as possible.   Well, honestly, I’m over it, so… I’m shutting it “off.” Not completely, just limiting the time I spend on business and socials and connected with the world wide web. 

Ready to take a break?

In Perspectives Through Broken Glass, I talk about how the algorithm is dedicated to ensuring that we stay involved, but here are the ways I’m breaking that:

1)      I’ve signed up with Anna Addoms and her OTTO program which is helping me automate the things that don’t need my constant attention.

2)      I’ve found a google chrome plug in that will block social sites from being accessed for more than 20 minutes a day.

3)      Likewise, I’ve turned on the screen time app on my iPhone and I’ve done the same thing.

4)      I’ve adjusted my booking links to even out my days, and I’ve implemented a Voxer coaching day to give people more access to me but on my terms (more about that below.)

5)      I’ve turned on my out of office message.  To let people, know that I don’t check my emails all day and that I’ll return their email as quickly as possible.

6)      I’ve added “this is a calm inbox” to my signature line.

7)      I’ve started telling people, “Not right now,” Even if it’s something I really want to do, but I don’t see a place for it on my plate.  

As I’ve started to reconnect with my home, my family, my friends, and my community I’ve noticed that the business will continue to prosper.   I’m feeling more balanced, and happier. 

Are you ready for that shift too? Ready to stop asking yourself “Are you doing enough?”

Here’s your steps to let go and make the shift:

Get a FREE Copy of my burnout prevention planning guide here:

Join us on the perspective shifter’s hub and get support in the areas that you really need it.

About Stephanie Kunkel
Stephanie Kunkel is a published author, who is passionate about personal development, compassionate leadership, and making big changes that truly make things better for everyone. She's got a masters degree in leadership and management and is a Certified Mental Health First Aider.


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Stephanie Kunkel

Stephanie Kunkel is a published author, who is passionate about personal development, compassionate leadership, and making big changes that truly make things better for everyone. She's got a masters degree in leadership and management and is a Certified Mental Health First Aider.