Stephanie fist drafted a business proposal for Perspective Shifters, LLC in August of 2018,

and made the dream come true officially in September of 2022

Perspective Shifting, LLC is dedicated to leadership development for anyone who wants growth.

We’ve created an all-in-one learning platform designed for leaders across industries and lifestyles. The Perspective Shifter’s platform provides access to a variety of specialized and customized content, tools, coaches, and resources to ensure that you achieve greatness, success, and continued growth.

With 8 trainings loaded and 38 more coming this year, subscribers have access to a wealth of knowledge and information. Our platform includes two live webinars each month, four group coaching sessions every month, and access to the Perspective Shifters Community. Additionally, subscribers have access to our combined library of resources and direct referrals for coaches and experts along with discount programs.

With the thousand % shift you get curated leadership development. Our experts have already taken the time to figure out the best leadership development programs and we’ve compiled it into relatable and interactive information that gets users to think.

Our platform has over a combined century of experience with our coaches and experts, including leadership, psychology, counseling, sales, change management, and DEI. Our handpicked leadership development specialists are growing each day, and we offer training designed for you and your team based on real-life challenges and requests.

Our platform also provides a community of other perspective shifters - like minded leaders who are always learning, collaborating, and heart centered. We prioritize accountability, and as we grow, we are catering to the different ways we learn, including video, audio, written resources, snippets (for those who need bite sized chunks,) and workbooks. We also offer assessments which help our team to customize individual training dashboards and coachings with what you need and want to maximize your growth.

At The Thousand % Shift, we believe in the power of perspective shifting to create positive change and growth in all areas of life where leadership is important.

Interested in learning more?

Make the Shift

Become a perspective shifter

“It is my mission to create a place where every leader can feel empowered to find the best version of themselves in all aspects, to seek the inner truth of their experiences and teach others to do the same.

That is what the Perspective Shifters movement is about. It’s about building a community of people who challenge others to find solutions. Perspective Shifters is not a Facebook group, a website or a business. It is a movement that is focused on improving the human experience for everyone!  Those that make up the community of perspective shifters are people who seek out truth, who want to shift their own perspective and lead others in doing the same.”

— Stephanie Kunkel